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H&R Block​

Key Theme

Grow your goals



To reposition H&R Block as an innovative and accessible brand who are thought leaders, in digital transformation for tax. To showcase H&R Block as the pit crew you need in your life to simplify your taxes and allow you to live with stress free financials.



We created an interactive program to launch H&R Block’s Grants for Growth initiative to showcase H&R’s support of grass roots industries, start-ups and entrepreneurs to help them grow their goals.


Our audience experienced multiple touch points, take homes and memorable engaging moments which included an interactive Grow Your Goals competition, a Tax Tips Tree that specifically targeted popular industries in the TEDxSydney database allowing for authentic and engaging conversations with H&R Specialists, and a relax zone with health and wellness workshops and skills sharing.


Content & Promotion

H&R attained new customer leads at the event with the Grants for Growth competition, through follow up email promotions and with face-to-face consultations with SME business owners and entrepreneurs attending TEDxSydney. Attendees created user generated content with engaging social media activations and branded hashtags for integrated H&R Block social media campaigns. Additional social video content was created with facilitated TEDxSydney speaker engagement and pushed on out on H&R Block’s social channels.

The take home tax tips showcased H&R Block as tax specialists who give meaningful and useful advice that is easy to apply to daily financial practises and acted as a physical reminder of H&R Block as a partner of TEDxSydney.

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